Also known as "Visitation". Naming beneficiaries to receive your money and property when you die without filing a probate case. Time for Responsive Pleading. A person who has been named in a court case, and was served legal documents that were started andgiven tothe Court by another person, known as the Petitioner. If the Respondent wishes to have a say in the casehe or shemust file or givea responseto the Court. WebColorado District Court Cases by Type of Lawsuit Contract Real Property Torts - Injury Torts - Property Civil Rights Prisoner Petitions Forfeiture / Penalty Labor Bankruptcy Intellectual Property Social Security Federal Tax Suits Other Statutes Immigration Cases filed Cases 1 - 10 of 62,371 RSS Feed | View as table Web colorado court case class codes.
An act that interferes with one of the exclusive rights of a patent, copyright or trademark owner. Subpoena duces tecum seeks not the appearance of a person before a court but the surrender of a thing (document or some other evidence) by its holder, to the court, to serve as evidence in a trial. Also known as a Pro Se Party. Consumer Credit Code Title 6. Person identified by Colorado Law who must be given notice of a court proceeding. 1. (a) The order or injunction shall be accorded full faith and credit and be enforced in every civil or criminal court of the United States, another state, an Indian tribe, or a United States territory pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Writtenproof under oath by a process server saying that they deliveredlegal documents (such as a summons and complaint). Any change to a currentcourt order or decree. A judge's order prohibiting the attorneys and parties in a pending lawsuit or criminal prosecution from talking about the case to the media or the public. 2 class of all other military members similarly situated, under the provisions of FED. A person other than a judge authorized byColorado lawor by Colorado court rulestomake orders or judgments in court proceedings, like trials or hearings. The permanent residence of a person, a place to which, even if he/she were temporary absence, they intend to return. In an appeal,a written summary of issues and/or errors in the original case and any arguments or law that supportthe identified issues and/or errors. Often used in divorce cases. The defendant is required to appear in court in order to formally receive the charges against him. A person who files an Application for Informal Appointment of a Personal Representative. If he or she is found not guilty because of impaired mental condition, they may be committed to the Department of Institutions.
A government agency that assists in collecting current and past-due child support. Also known as a permanent resident card. Criminal Code 18-3-303. For example, a debtor's wages might be garnished to pay child support, back taxes, or a lawsuit judgment. A prime example is the redirecting of trust property from the trust to the trustee, personally.
Class ActionsClass CertificationCRCP 23Proof of Liability and Damages. Fines may also be imposed. For a complete listing of who may be considered a victim, please see Section 18-1.3-602(4) of the Colorado Revised Statutes. Term used to describe someone who is subject to aconservatorship and has aconservator appointed to help them. A case class code is required. The freeing of a minor child from the control or custody of his or her parent(s) and allowing the minor to live on his or her own or under the control of others. WebA case number is a unique set of characters that allows easy reference to specific civil and criminal cases in the Colorado court system. CRCP 12(a)(1) (amended eff 7/1/15) > > Read More.. However, you will not be given any legal advice. A claim that a person has upon the property of another as security for a debt owed. One of the participants in a lawsuit or other legal proceeding who has an interest in the outcome. A person who represents himself in court alone without the help of a lawyer is said to appear pro se. 0000002069 00000 n Do not interrupt or talk over others. Questioning of the other partys witness. An outline of the basic terms of a proposed sales contract between a buyer and a seller. A written document that identifies decision-making responsibilities, parenting time, relocation, child support, and child tax exemption relating to the children in a divorce or custody case. CRS 18-5-102 Forgery 2. This is not an actual hearing date and no one needs to show up to court. CSE also helps in establishing new support orders and paternity. Probate is not necessary. A probate case may benecessary. In the State of Colorado the freedom to decide who cares for children and how. An additional or supplementary remedy that allows the plaintiff to place a lien on property belonging to the defendant to make sure there will be means of satisfying (paying) a judgment that may be entered in a civil case. A bond required of a party who asks to set aside a judgment or execution and from which the other party may be paid if the action is unsuccessful. Money or property given to the court to hold a hearing date or to get someone out of jail. A bank account that names a specific person as beneficiary of all funds once the account holder dies. Insurance Title 11. This person may also be known as "claimant", "petitioner", or "applicant". DOWLOAD THE WEBEX APP: please click the icons below for detailedinstructions on how todownload and use WebEx: (Including how to successfully participate and interactwith the court in a virtual hearing).
The killing of one human being by the act, procurement, or omission of another. A defense raised in personal injury lawsuits. A few states, including Colorado, allow such documents to be admitted to probate, but most courts are very reluctant to accept them. An order granting continuous protection to prevent assaults and threatened bodily harm, domestic abuse, emotional abuseand stalking. YYYY = Year CC = Case Class SSSSSS = Sequence CR ~Criminal ~ is optional A trust that cannot be terminated by the settlor (the person who created the trust) once its created. A type of bankruptcy in which a person keeps his assets and pays creditors according to an approved plan. A crime punishable by imprisonment or by death in a state penal institution. Examples include first-degree murder, first-degree kidnapping, and treason. If your case is worth $15,000 or less, then download the Instructions for a County Court Civil Case (Money Demand) (JDF 110), County Civil Summons (CRCCP 1), and County Civil Complaint (CRCCP 2). C.R.S. The principle underlying these laws is that any licensed driver who operates a vehicle has consented to submit to approved tests to show intoxication. In civil litigation, an affirmative defense to a claim that bars a party from relitigating an issue determined in an earlier action, even if the two actions significantly differ from one another. WebIf you are charged with a felony in Colorado, your criminal case will proceed in the following manner: The Filing of Charges. Often used when a large number of people have comparable claims. 0000002787 00000 n
A method of discharging a claim upon agreement by the parties to give and accept something in settlement of the claim. Personal property is anything that isn't nailed down, dug into, or built onto the land. A finding that the defendant is guilty in a criminal case.
WebColorado felony criminal offenses (other than drug felonies) are divided into six basic classes. Alamosa County - Court Search Records Resources. Any person who is not a parent, guardian, or legal custodian and who is VOLUNTARILY or involuntarily joined in a dependency or neglect proceeding for the limited purposes of protective orders or inclusion in a treatment plan. A written application to the Court asking for specific action to be taken. Criminal Code / 18-3-303 Colorado Revised Statutes Title 18. Property given to a trustee to manage for the benefit of another person. An attachment or appendage to something else. When a borrower cannot repay a loan on a piece of property, like a house or condominium,and the lender asks the court for an order to force the sale of the property. If a guardian is not doing what they are supposed to be doing, and it would be in the best interest of the Ward to take immediate action, the court can appoint a temporary substitute guardian for a maximum of 6 months. Someone who has not yet reached the age of majority which in most states is the age of 18. Aprotest by the other party about the legal propriety of a question which has been asked of a witness by the opposing attorney/party, with the purpose of making the trial judge decide if the question can be asked. In addition, courts in this country agree to recognize and enforce the valid legal contracts and court orders of other countries. 24-72-201 to 206, provides that all public records shall be open for inspection by any person at reasonable times, except as provided in part 2 or as otherwise specifically provided by law. 719-452-5000. WebClass 1 Felonies in Colorado Class 1 felonies are punishable by life imprisonment.
(2)E-Filing/Service System. WebWhen referring to your case number, the first three (3) digits are your court location code. In legal terms, "may" is defined as "optional" or "can". A type of court case involving children where the children either aren't being cared for properly or crimes are being committed against the children by the parents or persons caring for the children.
Follow the Martinez settlement instructions in GN 02613.860 GN 02613.885 for all other felony warrant codes. Used most frequently fora subpoena (as in "subpoena duces tecum") which seeks not the appearance of a person before a court but the surrender of a thing (document or some other evidence) by its holder, to the court, to serve as evidence in a trial.
A written set of questions, submitted to an opposing party in a lawsuit as part of discovery, or served on a judgment debtor by a judgment creditor trying to collect a debt. In civil cases, the person who initiates a lawsuit. Legal way to get property back from a person who has wrongfully taken or kept property. Colo. R. App. In criminal cases, this means the restraint of a person's freedom in any significant way. Freedom from duty or penalty; exemption, as from serving in an office or performing duties that the law generally requires other citizens to perform.
R. CIV. Imprisonment or confinement in a jail or prison. A person who serves or delivers legal paperwork.