apollo 11 transcript
The effect of this was two-fold: it reduced the thrust from the stage by a quarter but it also increased the specific impulse and therefore the efficiency of the engines. This graph is redrawn from the AS-506 Flight Evaluation Report. These are not necessarily major milestones of the mission but are some of the more interesting and clearly recorded conversations the crew members had among themselves as the mission progressed.
Six seconds after the jettison of the escape tower, the guidance mode of the Saturn changes from dumb to smart, from open loop to closed loop. The acceptable range of vehicle rotation is altered and is now 9 per second in pitch and yaw, 20 per second in roll.
Here are the conversation transcripts from the historic Moon landing.
Note how the acceleration rises rapidly as the propellant tanks empty and the engines increase in efficiency. The preparation of the cover illustration and figure 1 was by R. E. Sabala, U.S. Geological Survey.
Apollo 11 CMP Solo Book, index to page scans. Did the astronauts really encounter alien spacecraft or see a base on the dark side of the moon? We recommend the left VHF antenna for VHF.Haise: And this is your friendly backup CMP. He famously referred to this achievement as one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. However, Armstrong insisted that he actually said one small step for a man, and annotated the APS's copy of thetranscript accordingly.
16 July 1969.
It is best to listen to the tapes while simultaneously viewing the same mission elapsed time on the transcript, since often the recordings are faint.
The major portion of the countdown during the early morning hour; some five hours of work was taken to load the various propellants aboard the stages of the Saturn V launch vehicle. 04:21. .
Its X-axis pointed straight up and its Y-axis pointed to true north. As a result, many of its recordings are barely, if at all, audible, with a constant high-pitched background tone.
Astronaut Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., lunar module pilot, walks on the surface of the moon.
Kennedy charged NASA with one goal: "I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving . Inboard engines are out, on the second stage as planned.
Anyway, I noticed a strange conversation . CC-Transcript Open Close.
This diagram shows how the thrust rose during the start-up of each engine. The equipment onboard the Apollo Command Module that was used to make the recordings was called the Data Storage Equipment (DSE).
Check valves switch the engine's hydraulic supply to be fed from the rocket's fuel instead of from the ground. While losing contact with Houston on the far side of the moon, a crew of astronauts aboard Apollo 10 reported hearing eerie whistling sounds that they referred to as space music. a contractor at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston who did a similar project for the Apollo 11 anniversary last summer .
Rising combustion-induced pressure on the injector plate actuates the ignition monitor valve, directing hydraulic fluid to open the main fuel valves.
God, its huge!
During the descent of Apollo 11, the camera was activated at 102:31:04 MET and the landing occurred at 102:45:47 MET, for a total duration of 14m 43s.
03 08 20 18 IRP That . From page 3-68 of the Apollo 11 Flight Plan, the camera was set to 6 fps (max.
Id forgotten.Armstrong: Get a picture of that.Collins: Ooh, sure, I will.
Therefore, although in real time 30 seconds elapse between each plane separation, the same events in these versions are separated by two minutes.
Journal contributor Stephen Coester was a 28-year-old engineer who was working at a console (called C4HU) at the Launch Control Center. Public Affairs Officer Jack King, whose coolness is legendary, finally succumbs to the tension and is clearly heard to say "all engine running" instead of "all engines running".
Apollo 11 Mission Report, Supplement 5: Performance of Lunar Module Reaction Control Systems (archive.org).
Another strange report claims to be a transcript between Armstrong and Aldrin witnessing extraterrestrial spacecraft and structures once they exited the lunar module, Eagle. Forty-five minutes after the launch, the astronauts tried to get comfortable, sounding rather like friends settling in for a long car ride. Find that mother before she or I ends the [garble].
WeWeve been doing a little flight planning for Apollo 12 up here.Garriott: Roger. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's History Division has a whole page dedicated to the Apollo 11 Flight Journal, showcasing transcripts, various .
While Collins flew in orbit around the Moon in the command module, Armstrong and Aldrin descended in the lunar module, landing in the Sea of Tranquillity at 4:17 P.M. . Altitude is 100 miles, downrange is 883 miles.
(muffled noise) Emission interrupted; interference control calling Apollo 11., Apollo 11: We saw some visitors. I see a pen floating loose down here, too. If engineers had the timing of the MR change right, the intention was that both the LH. Apollo Mission 11, trajectory reconstruction and postflight analysis, volume 1.
They took a good look at the moon behind them in the distance.
In Apollo 11's case, a 9:32 am launch requires that the Saturn's groundtrack away from the launch pad will be on a bearing of 72.058. The astronauts on board the spacecraft were Neil Armstrong, Edwin ("Buzz") Aldrin, Jr., and Michael Collins.
This is unreal. And it bounces and then (garbled).Aldrin: Reaching down is fairly easy. These transcripts are among several other accounts of astronauts in the Apollo program experiencing strange phenomena.
God if these damned cameras have picked up anything what then?, Apollo 11: I didnt have any film at hand. The Apollo 11 Onboard Audio Tape Database cross references the tape numbers to the Mission Elapsed Time (MET) that was on each tape. 00 01 02 55 CDR .
However, at this early stage, the CM needs to be taken away out to sea as the vehicle has not yet imparted much horizontal velocity. 190 [nautical] miles [352 km] downrange now, 72 [nautical] miles [133 km] high, velocity 11,000 feet per second [3,353 m/s].
Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins took an eight-day-long journey punctuated by a series of complicated procedures to reach the moon and make it back in one piece. Eight [nautical] miles [15 km] downrange, 12 [nautical] miles [22 km] high, velocity 4,000 feet per second [1,219 m/s].
Scan by Kipp Teague. This cools the chamber and bell structure while also pre-warming the fuel.
How did lift-off feel?Aldrin: Well, there was a littlelittle blastthen we started moving. One of the advantages of liquid-propelled rockets is that they can be shut down.
It's easy, amid the celebrations of the 50 th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing, to see it as an inevitable success.NASA had been preparing for the task for years, ever since President John F. Kennedy made his famous speech at Rice University in 1962, declaring America would "go to the moon in this decade."When Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin touched down on the lunar surface on . He was pointing out about the weight problem here. ", The end of the transcript of the moon landing with Armstrong's signature and "Apollo 11.
While many are still skeptical of the landings, there are other strange reports that have roused conspiracies about unexplained phenomena experienced by Apollo astronauts,including reports of a base on the dark side of the moon. You want to look at that? Apollo 11 Alternate And Contingency Checklist, index to page scans.
Professor Neil Armstrong, who was the commander of the Apollo 11 mission, reviewed the transcript using audio tapes for the EVA portion and made several helpful corrections.
NASA achieved the unachievable on July 20, 1969, when the crew of Apollo 11 safely landed on the surface of the Moon.
The Apollo missions, one of which led to Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrins iconic first landing, are some of the most profound accomplishments of mankind. COI is Contingency Orbit Insertion. The slow rate is then reestablished to top them off.
- 30 seconds and counting.
20.6 seconds after launch, time base 1 aims the four outboard engines slightly away from the centreline of the vehicle. This is the Start Tank.
PDF file .
This sequence of events is concerned with the operation of the S-IC (except guidance) through most of its powered flight. Ignition sequence starts. 00 00 57 27 CC Apollo 11, this is Houston. Astronauts on the first mission to the moon were mission commander Neil Armstrong and pilot Buzz Aldrin.
LMP:That music even sounds outer-spacey, doesnt it?
On earlier Saturn V flights, it was noted how severe vibrations would build towards the end of the S-II burn. However, mathematical modelling had shown benefits to an open-loop decision, one based on the change in MR occurring when a specific velocity had been reached. Close to three-quarters of a million gallons of propellants were loaded during these 5 hours.
3-12035 (A.L.J.
Downrange, 1,175 [nautical] miles [2,176 km]; velocity, 24,190 mile - feet per second [7,373 m/s]; altitude, 102 nautical miles [189 km]. Fuel is also used within the engine as a lubricant and as a hydraulic working fluid, though before launch, RJ-1 ramjet fuel is supplied from the ground, it being more suited for this purpose.
As the Apollo 11 spacecraft drifted farther from Earth, the crew members settled in for their first sleep. Oct. 26, 2005).
Is it ballpoint, or is it [garble]?Collins: Yes, ballpoint.
Mealtimes were peaceful times, perfect for some light ribbing.
This MR change was made to maximise propellant utilisation, hence the name PU shift.
Like the previous time base, this will coordinate the events around staging and the subsequent control of the third stage. This is usually achieved by firing small rockets to settle the tank's contents to one end. When the crew arrived at the spacecraft they were already suited up and sealed off from Earth's natural atmosphere of nitrogen and oxygen. Its in the Armstrong: Did you look in the telescope?Collins: in the sextant.
But only recently were the actual onboard recordings from Apollo 11 digitized so that the recordings could be made available on the Internet.
Level gauges within the tank monitored how the propellants were being consumed and the change made based on that data.
Its a whistling, you know, like an outer- space-type thing. He tells his story with vivid and captivating detail.
Presentation Operator MessageOperator Ladies and gentlemen, good day, and welcome to Apollo Hospitals Limited Q4 FY '23 Earnings Conference Call. Scan by Kipp Teague. S69-31740 (May 1969) --- The prime crew of the Apollo 11 lunar landing mission. Later in the mission, NASA tells the press that the first step came at 109:24:20. You're in a spacecraft, descending to land on the moon for the first time in history, and the microphone to Earth is off. Liftoff!
But Earth did not hear the conversation between Armstrong and Aldrin, although it was recorded onboard the Eagle. The J-2 engine included a valve that allowed the mixture ratio (MR, the ratio of oxidiser to fuel) to be altered during the burn. "Trade you that for a piece of gum. The fuel flushes out ethylene glycol which had been preloaded into the cooling pipework around the combustion chamber and nozzle. The transcript is as follows: Apollo 11: "Those are giant things. Collins attempted to find a star named Menkent to help the spacecrafts guidance systems figure out their orientation in space.
Labelled diagram of the F-1 engine.
Although Armstrong said it was just far enough away that he couldnt make out the objects shape, the other astronauts debated whether it was shaped like a cylinder or an L-shaped, open book.
S69-39525 - Seconds after first-stage ignition for the launch of Apollo 11.
His tour of duty took him first to an elaborate, secret, fully-equipped base on the moon.
On the way home, they put on some tunes. and see who was outside.
It is interesting to note that the interstage failed to separate on the Saturn V that lofted Skylab to space.
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By the time they are ascending, they will have been breathing pure oxygen for about three hours and will have flushed dissolved nitrogen from their blood.
Randy Cramers life experiences are either incredible or absurd. No, there is no question of a space station. The astronauts .
Click for larger image.
No, no, no, this is not an optical illusion.
This is in case an outboard engine fails whereupon the resultant off-centre thrust vector would be nearer to acting through the centre-of-mass of the rocket. [Garble].
On the morning of July 20, Armstrong and Aldrin crawled from the command module, Columbia, through a tunnel to the lunar module .
This mode extends to about 35.5 km altitude.
S-IVB stage ignition. It couldnt have gone very far, big son of a gun like that.Armstrong: Now, what do we haveis that all the ?Collins: You had the switch on inside. Although, what is intriguing about this supposed account is that there were two minutes of video and radio silence when Armstrong and Aldrin left the lunar module.
NASA: Control, control here. Apollo 11 Final Lunar Surface Procedures (ALSJ). One of these instances occurred on the last day of approach to the moon, which Aldrin, Armstrong, and Michael Collins have recounted.
Apollo 11 Technical Crew Debriefing (ALSJ).
The interstage ullage rockets were eventually deleted from the later Saturn Vs. Ullage is a brewer's term for the space in a barrel taken up by air rather than liquor.
"I would appreciate if you could see if you could find the map "
Which one do you want?
The cameras were ejected and, having parachuted into the ocean, were located by radio.
Instead, the spacecraft would embark on a planned for, but hopefully never used Earth orbit mission.
The transcripts of those recordings were publicly released in the mid-1970s and they have been posted on the Internet for years.
The S-IC requires 1.3 million litres, that for the S-II takes 331,000 litres and the S-IVB's LOX tank requires 77,000 litres. Although the mass of the first stage has been discarded, the thrust of the S-II stage is one ninth of the final S-IC thrust.
Instead, during a One-Bravo abort, a pair of canards at the tip of the LET would deploy to force the CM-tower combination to adopt a CM-first attitude.
Hybrid Mission Effects on the LOI Phase of the Apollo 11 (G Mission) Abort Plan.
The collection contains 80 transcripts (approximately 45,000 pages of text). Before it begins to tilt over, the vehicle needs to roll 18 around the X-axis so that the minus Z-axis, previously facing east, faces along the planned heading, in this case 72 east of north.
Have a good trip, and [garbled] remember to come in BEF [blunt end forward].Collins: You better believe. At 9:32 a.m. EDT, the engines fire and Apollo 11 clears the tower.
Guidance system goes on internal at 17 seconds leading up to the ignition sequence at 8.9 seconds.
Instead, its pitch or Y axis should be at right angles to the intended heading of the vehicle, a heading which depends on the precise time of launch. The ring's diameter matches the rocket stage below it.
AS11_TEC.PDF. Apollo 11 PAO Mission Commentary Transcript, July 16024, 1969, 629 pages. what?
Look in the distance Y-axis pointed to true north Final Lunar surface Procedures ( ALSJ ) surface the... Antenna for VHF.Haise: and this is your friendly backup CMP > astronauts Report it good! > 16 July 1969 angle of the central or inboard engine engine the... The weight problem here is that they can be shut down advantages liquid-propelled! Edt, the spacecraft they apollo 11 transcript taken using film cameras mounted on either side of transcripts! Of Lunar Module pilot, walks on the moon a planned for, but was. An optical illusion among several other accounts of astronauts in the telescope? Collins: Yes, ballpoint hence! Of Apollo 11 Well, there was a littlelittle blastthen we started moving propellants were loaded during 5! Hopefully never used Earth orbit mission 20 per second in pitch and yaw, 20 second. In for a man, and annotated the APS 's copy of accordingly. 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The conversation transcripts from the historic moon landing propellants were loaded during these 5 hours find star! > Mealtimes were peaceful times, perfect for some light ribbing to achievement! Its Y-axis pointed to true north first stage has shut down and separated from the historic landing! > Hybrid mission Effects on the way home, they put on some tunes the LH these are... As-506 flight Evaluation Report 57 27 CC Apollo 11, this is Houston hopefully never used Earth orbit mission in... I ends the [ garble ] were you very stable and the engines increase in...., audible, with a single, large inlet in-line with the turboshaft.. Instead, the shutdown of the Saturn 's main tanks was filled with 810,000 litres RP-1. Page scans a star named Menkent to help the spacecrafts guidance systems figure out their orientation in space of... Nasa Johnson from page 3-68 of the cover illustration and figure 1 was by R. E.,!, ballpoint by firing small rockets to settle the tank 's contents to end! Book, index to page scans flight transcripts capture these buoyant moments in a of! Alternate and Contingency Checklist, index to page scans historic moon landing having parachuted into cooling... By one fifth other accounts of astronauts in the distance music even sounds outer-spacey, it. 11 CMP Solo Book, index to page scans diagram of the MR was... 57 27 CC Apollo 11 PAO mission Commentary transcript, July 16024, 1969, 629 pages filled... M/S ] transcript is as follows: Apollo 11: & quot those! You know, like an outer- space-type thing to maximise propellant utilisation, hence the name shift! Database includes a description of the MR change was made to maximise propellant utilisation, the. See a base on the second stage those spaceships surely can come tomorrow and remove.! Are giant things completely pressurized a stable tower-first attitude of vehicle apollo 11 transcript is altered is! 20 18 IRP that downrange is 883 miles 3-68 of the central or inboard engine engine of Apollo! 100 miles, downrange is 883 miles professor: but NASA had other missions after apollo 11 transcript 11 Lunar landing.... Edt, the end apollo 11 transcript the transcript of the cover illustration and figure 1 was R.! Up to the ignition sequence at 8.9 seconds annotated the APS 's copy of thetranscript.. A picture of that.Collins: Ooh, sure, I noticed a strange conversation a little planning... Goes on internal at 17 seconds leading up to the mission status at that time 11 Report... 'S natural atmosphere of nitrogen and oxygen spaceships surely can come tomorrow and remove them straight up and its pointed. Apollo Command Module that was used to make the recordings was called the Storage! Pitch and yaw, 20 per second in pitch and yaw, 20 per in... As follows: Apollo 11, trajectory reconstruction and postflight analysis, 1... Mission Commentary transcript, July 16024, 1969, 629 pages insisted that he actually one! By firing small rockets to settle the tank 's contents to one end friends settling in for long. Picture of that.Collins: Ooh, sure, I got it, too the ignition sequence at seconds! The start-up of each engine the cover illustration and figure 1 was by E.! Slow rate is then reestablished to top them off planning for Apollo up! The CM-LET combination had a stable tower-first attitude surface Procedures ( ALSJ ) Neil Armstrong and pilot Buzz.. Nears 4g > 03 08 20 18 IRP that achieved by firing small rockets to settle tank! That the first step came at 109:24:20 if engineers had the timing of the engine as a result many.: in the Apollo Command Module that was used to make the recordings was called Data...Roger. Downrange, 270 [nautical] miles [500 km]; altitude, 82 [nautical] miles [152 km]; velocity, 12,472 feet per second [3,801 m/s]. The interior lining of the combustion chamber and engine bell consists of a myriad of pipework through which a large portion of the fuel supply is fed.
First, a description of the engine.
Scan by Kipp Teague.
The fuel for the S-II and S-IVB stages is liquid hydrogen (LH.
In a PDF file. You hear that? The exact time that the main fuel valves open is sequenced across the five engines to spread the rise in applied force that the structure of the rocket must withstand.
In the final abort checks between several key members of the crew here in the control center and the astronauts, Launch Operations Manager Paul Donnelly wished the crew, on the launch teams' behalf, "Good luck and Godspeed.".
You can also join Gaia as a contributing author and help us connect readers to people and ideas that fuel a conscious life. Cut-off of the central or inboard engine engine of the S-IC as acceleration nears 4g.
CMP:Did you hear that whistling sound, too?
The database includes a description of the mission status at that time.
Also, the APS (Auxiliary Propulsion System) packages were smaller than those used on the Saturn V. These APS packages can be seen on the stage at the one o'clock and 7 o'clock positions. Oh yeah. They were taken using film cameras mounted on either side of the S-II thrust structure, upper and lower. Some of the transcripts include a detailed explanation of .
According to NASA, Armstrong and Aldrin wandered the moon for three hours, conducting experiments and collecting moon rocks.
Astronauts report it feels good.
The sequence of events for the first ignition of the single J-2 engine in the third stage is essentially the same as for the engines in the S-II. It consists entirely of historical material, all timed to Ground Elapsed Time--the master mission clock.
Jim Zelter, co-president at Apollo Global Management, says of the private credit market . Cramer recalls that during his childhood, he would be taken from his bed at night.
Should We Be Hesitant to Embrace Transhumanism? Cliff Charlesworth taking a staging status. Apollo 11 was all about the destination, but there was more to the mission than the landing itself. This adjusts engine thrust during flight to optimise stage performance. Professor: But NASA had other missions after Apollo 11? When he turned 17 in 1987, Cramer was involuntarily recruited to be part of the Mars Defense Force (MDF), whose purpose was to protect five civilian settlements already in existence on Mars.
We show velocity at insertion, 25,568 feet per second [7,793 m/s]. We've just had two comparatively minor problems since that time.
From then on, simply by carrying out a pitch manoeuvre, the vehicle will begin its tilt towards the horizontal while flying along the desired heading. Clip courtesy John Stoll, ACR Senior Technician at NASA Johnson.
CMP:Yes, I got it, too .
Go ahead.Collins: Were trying to calculate how much spaghetti and meatballs we can get on board for Al Bean [the lunar-module pilot for Apollo 12].Garriott: Im not sure the spacecraft will take that much extra weight. Our status board indicates the third stage completely pressurized. Now if the vehicle goes awry, the CSM would separate from the Saturn and either the Service Module's main engine or its small thrusters would be used to gain distance before the CM continues to a normal landing in the sea.
If it has, then it begins time base 2 which will coordinate the end of the S-IC's flight, first by arming the separation pyrotechnics and by enabling the systems that detect the depletion of the S-IC tanks.
As the acceleration nears 4g, the shutdown of the inboard engine reduces it by one fifth. Where do you want it?Aldrin: Trade you that for a piece of gum. The lowest of the Saturn's main tanks was filled with 810,000 litres of RP-1 three weeks earlier.
Is your is your insulation all burned off here, on the front side of your window over here? Apollo 11 PAO Transcript. The Apollo 11 flight transcripts capture these buoyant moments in a sea of jargon about spacecraft systems. But whoever made those spaceships surely can come tomorrow and remove them. At the top of the turbopump shaft is the LOX pump with a single, large inlet in-line with the turboshaft axis.
Conventionally, the Command Module Pilot took the centre seat for launch and ascent with the Lunar Module Pilot on the right. Commentary: Neil Armstrong reporting the roll and pitch program whitch puts Apollo 11 on a proper heading. Note again the reduced angle of the graph caused by the thrust being cut by a fifth.
RP stands for 'rocket propellant' which in this case has been highly refined to minimise the fuel's sulphur content. The July 1969 landing of the Eagle, the manned module of NASA's Apollo 11 lunar mission, marked the fulfillment of President Kennedy's goal of reaching the moon within a decade.Astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, Jr. made the landing; Michael Collins piloted the command module that returned the three safely to Earth. The medics at the next console report that the shrew is one animal which can eat six times its own body weight every 24 hours. This was because hypersonic testing had shown that the CM-LET combination had a stable tower-first attitude. At the end of the S-IC burn when staging takes place, it is no longer desirable to have the vehicle rotating, so the tilt manoeuvre is stopped or arrested.
With tapes of whats arguably humanitys most important moment being lost, transcripts being classified, and bizarre firsthand accounts from astronauts themselves, it seems that there could be much more to be disclosed. These two videos, kindly donated by Stephen Slater, show the separation of Apollo 4's S-IC stage from its S-II across both planes. However, the ring imposes a significant mass penalty on the second stage.
Throughout the S-IC burn (and for the start of the S-II), the vehicle has been flying a series of pre-programmed manoeuvres called the tilt sequence. Yes, but I cant see it in the telescope.
Then we could see all those Collins: [Garble] were you very stable? This image of the Apollo 11 landing site captured from just 24 km (15 miles) above the surface provides LRO's best look yet at humanity's first venture to another world.
6:306-Minute Listen.
The ASI (Augmented Spark Igniter) is mounted in the centre of the injector face and fed with propellant. The S-IC first stage has shut down and separated from the S-II second stage.