hebrews 11:22 commentary
John Piper Jun 29, 1997. We must well consider in divine matters what we should say, and suit it as well as we can to the time. Faith demonstrates to the eye of the mind the reality of those things that cannot be discerned by the eye of the body. He lived there in an ambulatory moving condition, living in a daily readiness for his removal: and thus should we all live in this world. WebYeah, reviewing a ebook Hebrews Macarthur New Testament Commentary Macarthur New Testament Commentary Series Pdf Pdf could accumulate your near connections listings. Ishmael was to be put off with earthly greatness. Click to Sign Up Now! They wrought righteousness, both in their public and personal capacities; they turned many from idolatry to the ways of righteousness; they believed God, and it was imputed to them for righteousness; they walked and acted righteously towards God and man. 3. It is our duty to be reasoning down our doubts and fears, by the consideration of the almighty power of God. And by faith Abel still speaks, even though he is dead.
No doubt, natural affection could not but move them; but there was something further. Though the covenant of grace takes in the children of believers, yet it leaves them subject to natural death. They were not mindful of that country whence they came, v. 15. 2 For by it the elders obtained a good report. [3.] Here we have, I.
WebFaith in Action. Scripture: Hebrews 11:2328. 2. (2.) 6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. God will use that kind of faith. (3.) (1.) As, (1.) Some must hazard their own lives to preserve their children, and they were resolved to do it; they knew the king's commandment was evil in itself, contrary to the laws of God and nature, and therefore of no authority nor obligation. (2.) The grace of faith has a retrospect as well as prospect; it looks not only forward to the end of the world, but back to the beginning of the world. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. (1.) Isaac and Jacob were heirs of the same promise; for the promise was renewed to Isaac (Gen 26 3), and to Jacob, Gen 28 13. Sermon. I. Observe here, (1.) 17 By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son, 18 Of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called: 19 Accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead; from whence also he received him in a figure. Sometimes, not always, the countenance is the index of the mind.
Christ accounts himself reproached in their reproaches; and, while he thus interests himself in their reproaches, they become riches, and greater riches than the treasures of the richest empire in the world; for Christ will reward them with a crown of glory that fades not away.
Their old friends would have been glad to receive them. (3.) His faith influenced his practice.
That faith is but opinion or fancy which does not realize invisible things to the soul, and excite the soul to act agreeably to the nature and importance of them.
The gospel state is more perfect than the patriarchal, because more of the promises are now fulfilled. (2.) Those whose names are barely mentioned, and an account given in general of the exploits of their faith, which it is left to the reader to accommodate, and apply to the particular persons from what he gathers up in the sacred story. 24 By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter; 25 Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; 26 Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompence of the reward. 30 By faith the walls of Jericho fell down, after they were compassed about seven days. Here consider. They died in the faith of those promises; not only lived by the faith of them, but died in the full persuasion that all the promises would be fulfilled to them and theirs, v. 13.
After all our researches into the scripture, there is still more to be learned from them. little thinking that he was to be the lamb; but Abraham knew it, and yet he went on with the great design. 31 By faith the harlot Rahab perished not with them that believed not, when she had received the spies with peace.
This call, though it was a very trying call, was the call of God, and therefore a sufficient ground for faith and rule of obedience. That God will not suffer the injuries done to his people to remain unpunished, nor their sufferings unrewarded. This was a figure or parable of something further.
But God has left the matter still under some doubt, as a warning to all who have great talents given to them, and a great trust reposed in them, that they do not prove unfaithful, since God would not enroll our first parents among the number of believers in this blessed calendar. It is said (Gen 22 1), God in this tempted Abraham; not to sin, for so God tempteth no man, but only tried his faith and obedience to purpose. Hebrews 11:39-40 Commentary. True faith is acknowledged and accepted, even when mingled with many failings. That this Isaac was his only-begotten son by his wife Sarah, the only one he was to have by her, and the only one that was to be the child and heir of the promise. The promise of a posterity, and of the Messiah, must either be fulfilled by means of this son or not at all; so that, besides his most tender affection to this his son, all his expectations were bound up in him, and, if he perished, must perish with him. 2. Here observe. It is the substance of things hoped for. There was also a very observable difference in their offerings: Abel brought a sacrifice of atonement, brought of the firstlings of the flock, acknowledging himself to be a sinner who deserved to die, and only hoping for mercy through the great sacrifice; Cain brought only a sacrifice of acknowledgment, a mere thank-offering, the fruit of the ground, which might, and perhaps must, have been offered in innocency; here was no confession of sin, no regard to the ransom; this was an essential defect in Cain's offering. The apostle having given us a classis of many eminent believers, whose names are mentioned and the particular trials and actings of their faith recorded, now concludes his narrative with a more summary account of another set of believers, where the particular acts are not ascribed to particular persons by name, but left to be applied by those who are well acquainted with the sacred story; and, like a divine orator, he prefaces his part of the narrative with an elegant expostulation: What shall I say more?
But a good point may be made by contrasting the idea which an Egyptian had when he By faith, when they were dying, they received the atonement; they acquiesced in the will of God; they quenched all the fiery darts of the devil; they overcame the terrors of death, disarmed it of its sting, and bade a cheerful farewell to this world and to all the comforts and crosses of it. Not Yet a Member? Hereby himself and his house were saved, when a whole world of sinners were perishing about them. 11 11): Jephthah rehearsed all his words before the Lord in Mizpeh. All rights reserved. 7. What he did by his faith: He made mention of the departing of the children of Israel, and gave commandment concerning his bones. The believer's faith endures to the end, and, in dying, gives him victory over death and all his deadly enemies; his greatest conquest he gains by dying.
There is no despair in hope. Since believers have a confident hope, they will share with certainty the hope they have in Christ. Their sincerity appeared not only in not returning to their former country, but in desiring a better country, that is, a heavenly. So should we all do. NIV By faith Joseph, when his This true faith makes sin bitter to the soul, even while it receives the pardon and atonement. It is a firm persuasion and expectation that God will perform all that he has promised to us in Christ; and this persuasion is so strong that it gives the soul a kind of possession and present fruition of those things, gives them a subsistence in the soul, by the first-fruits and foretastes of them: so that believers in the exercise of faith are filled with joy unspeakable and full of glory. [3.] She engaged them to covenant with her to show favour to her and hers, when God should show kindness to them, and that they would give her a sign, which they did, a line of scarlet, which she was to hang forth out of the window; she sent them away with prudent and friendly advice. We now go on to.
The apostle proceeds to make mention of the faith of the other patriarchs, Isaac and Jacob, and the rest of this happy family, v. 13.
Their rashness was great, and their ruin was grievous. By faith Joseph, when he died The riches and honours of Joseph, as they could not secure him from death, so they did not make him unmindful of it; nor was he afraid of dying, or uneasy about it; nor did his prosperity make him proud, or above speaking to his brethren, nor revengeful to them, nor unthoughtful of their future afflictions; nor did his affluence of temporal things take off his regards to divine promises, nor weaken his faith in them, which is here commended in the following instances; as that at the time of his death. The apostle here mentions some things that very much added to the greatness of this trial. If he takes them into such a relation to himself, he will provide for them accordingly. Observe, First, The heavenly country is better than any upon earth; it is better situated, better stored with every thing that is good, better secured from every thing that is evil; the employments, the enjoyments, the society, and every thing in it, are better than the best in this world. 22 By faith Joseph, when his end was near, spoke about the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt and gave instructions concerning the (3.) He did not serve an ejectment, or raise a war against the old inhabitants, to dispossess them, but contented himself to live as a stranger, to bear their unkindnesses patiently, to receive any favours from them thankfully, and to keep his heart fixed upon his home, the heavenly Canaan. 2. (2.) The pleasures of this world, and especially those of a court, are too often the pleasures of sin; and they are always so when we cannot enjoy them without deserting God and his people.
God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him Learn more about Desiring God Observe, (1.) (2.) 5. (2.) ESV By faith Joseph, at the end of his life, made mention of the exodus of the Israelites and gave directions concerning his bones. He dwelt in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, heirs with him of the same promise. How great a temptation Moses was under. An account of the honour it reflects upon all those who have lived in the exercise of it (v. 2): By it the elders obtained a good reportthe ancient believers, who lived in the first ages of the world. 9 By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise: 10 For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God. Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Complete).
2. Faith in regard to creation and salvation ( Hebrews 11:1-7 ) 2. No better answer is given in perhaps all the Bible than in the great eleventh chapter of the book of Hebrews. 2. The Witness of a Dead Mans Bones.Josephs body was embalmed.
In this summary account the apostle mentions. vii., etc. WebHebrews 11. She believed[ b] that God would keep his promise. 21 By faith Jacob, when he was a dying, blessed both the sons of Joseph; and worshipped, leaning upon the top of his staff. As various and new enemies rise up against the people of God, various and new deliverers are raised up for them.
The faith of Jacob (v. 21), who, when he was dying, blessed both the sons of Joseph, and worshipped, leaning upon the top of his staff. This opened a way for the return of Abraham's posterity into the land of promise. He made mention by faith of the departing of the children of Israel, that the time should come when they should be delivered out of Egypt; and he did this both that he might caution them against the thoughts of settling in Egypt, which was now a place of plenty and ease to them; and also that he might keep them from sinking under the calamities and distresses which he foresaw were coming upon them there; and he does it to comfort himself, that though he should not live to see their deliverance, yet he could die in the faith of it. The story we have in Exodus, ch. Note, (1.) They had natural strength to return. By the fall we have lost God; we have lost the divine light, life, love, likeness, and communion. (2.) Hereby he became an heir of the righteousness which is by faith. That the maker of the worlds is god; he is the maker of all things; and whoever is so must be God. This persuasion gives the soul to enjoy those things now; it gives them a
[1.] (6.) He is the prime example of persistence by faith. Faith is a suitable and excellent qualification of those who fight in the ways of the Lord; it makes them just, bold, and wise. The manner in which he was called Stephen relates in Acts 7 2, 3, The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham, when he was in MesopotamiaAnd said unto him, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and come into the land which I will show thee. 1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. 1. In context clearly it was the fear that might rise up in his mind when face with the wrath of the king ( Ex 10:28, 29 ). WebHe first brings us into the joy and nearness of His presence.
He blessed them; that is, he resigned them up to God in covenant; he recommended God and religion to them; he prayed for them, and prophesied concerning them, what would be the condition, and the condition of their descendants: we have the account of this in Gen 10xvii.
God is the God of all true believers; faith gives them an interest in God, and in all his fullness. 2. (3.) God had before this tempted or tried the faith of Abraham, when he called him away from his country and father's house,when by a famine he was forced out of Canaan into Egypt,when he was obliged to fight with five kings to rescue Lot,when Sarah was taken from him by Abimelech, and in many other instances. He will not have his people take up that rest any where short of the heavenly Canaan. God usually warns sinners before he strikes; and, where his warnings are slighted, the blow will fall the heavier. Here observe, 1. Observe.
As the proof of this, God has prepared for them a city, a happiness suitable to the relation into which he has taken them. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated.